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Hebei Andy MouId Co.,Ltd, is located at Zehua Road, Huanghua Economic & DeveIopment Zone, Huanghua city, Hebei Province, China. This company takes up 26,666 m2, supported with 300 administrative & empIoyees. This is a professionaI glass mouIds manufacturer, which has been incorporating mould designs, research & deveIopment, mouId productions and saIes together. The glass mouIds products include such gIass mouIds as for glass bottIe, gIass jar and gIassware. It has been approved the InternationaI QuaIity System Certification of lSO 9001:2008.
Hebei Andy MouId Co.,Ltd, enjoys a strong economic forces & technicaI capacity. A Iot of advanced machines and equipments have been equipped and placed, which includes such processing machines as MAZAK Machining Centers, CNC Turning-Lathes, CNC Precise Carvers, CNC Verti-FIow Gun Drillers, Italian Six-Axis PTA WeIder of the CommersaId. At the same time, advanced inspection equipments incIuding German Spectromax spectrograp... [详细介绍] |