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Verallia: supportive recycling of Argentinian glass

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-09-04  source :www.verallia.com  view count:1151
Core prompt :In Argentina, Verallia has set up a glass recovery programme named Vidrio, una accin transparente (Acting transparently
In Argentina, Verallia has set up a glass recovery programme named ‘Vidrio, una acción transparente’ (Acting transparently with Glass). This year, the programme has helped collect 78 tons of cullet and has made a donation of 125,000 Argentinian pesos to the Foundation of the Humberto Notti children’s hospital.

Thanks to its 35 containers spread across the city of Mendoza, Verallia collects glass packaging from consumers to recycle it in its furnaces. Verallia donates income from the glass collected to the hospital to build a hydrotherapy centre.

The initiative – which began with three containers – has existed for six years and is growing in popularity. Since its inception, 528 tons of cullet have been collected representing a donation of 625,000 Argentinian pesos.
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