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Pavisa sets up French subsidiary

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2018-09-12  source :www.glassonline.com  view count:1125
Core prompt :Pavisa has announced that it has set up a French subsidiary to better address the European markets needs. The formation
Pavisa has announced that it has set up a French subsidiary to better address the European market’s needs. The formation of the new subsidiary, which  will be managed by Pavisa France President, Arturo Franco, was decided because the European market is one of the most dynamic market and premium complex projects, which requires proximity with development and purchasing local teams.

Mexican container glassmaker Pavisa has dealt with premium glassmaking for 66 years and, thanks to the use of three glassmaking processes: automatic, semi-mechanised and manual, responds to the needs of premium perfume and spirits brands.
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