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Construction of Arglass container glass plant set to start

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2019-08-13  source :www.glass-international.com  view count:2501
Core prompt :Construction of a greenfield glass plant in Georgia, USA is set to start next week.The $123 million Arglass Yamamura
Construction of a greenfield glass plant in Georgia, USA is set to start next week.
The $123 million Arglass Yamamura plant in Valdosta, Georgia will employ 150 people and be the company’s first glass manufacturing facility.
It will create glass products based on the company’s founding principles of flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.
Arglass Yamamura CEO, Jose de Diego-Arozamena, said: “Georgia, specifically the Valdosta region, will allow us to run a very flexible, efficient, and cost-effective manufacturing operation, while remaining close to our customer base in the South and eastern parts of the United States.”
Arglass Yamamura is a joint venture partnership between Nihon Yamamura Glass Co and Cambium Arglass, a privately-held investment company led by Mr Diego-Arozamena.
Arglass Yamamura was created to serve customers’ needs for flexibility, efficiency and customisation and help reduce the need to import glass bottles from overseas glass plants.
The company said the facility will incorporate the latest glass forming technology and cutting-edge environmental controls for a reduced environmental footprint.
Mr Diego-Arozamena told Glass International construction will start on Monday (August 12).
According to its website, the plant will have a capacity of 100,000 tonnes a year and be capable of producing 265,000,000 units a year.
Furnace start up is due in Q4 2020 with full operation by Q1 2021.
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