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PGP Glass USA will close its Park Hills, Missouri, factory

放大字体  缩小字体 release date:2022-02-15  source :glassonline.com  view count:2733
Core prompt :The PGP USAs facility is located about 65 miles south west of St. Louis, in St. Francois County. The move will result in
The PGP USA‘s facility is located about 65 miles south west of St. Louis, in St. Francois County. The move will result in the termination of 243 employees in March, according to information filed with the state.
Scott Winder, company spokesman, said that the factory’s furnaces are worn out, and that PGP Glass, an Indian company, decided to close the facility rather than pay to fix or replace them.
He also added that a “skeleton crew” will likely stay on for a while to process and distribute remaining products in the company’s warehouse.
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