Product Number: 3321
Product Name: 500ml Soy sauce
Shape: Irregular
Color: Flint
Weight: 390 g
Finish: Crown
Push up: 7
Diameter: 76.5
Height: 240.5
The condiment bottle requires high speed production and the quality is strict.
Changyu has accumulated abundant experience in this field and have gained the trust from many famous food companies.
-The bottles can be processed with different decoration technique like silk screen, frosting.
Changyu adapts the most up to date technique at production.
-The production lines are equipped with advanced IS machines from Bottero Italy and all functional automatic online inspection machines from SGCC French.
-The batch mixing, melting, forming are auto controlled by computer. With strengthened cold end and hot end coating, the products are with stable quality, smooth appearance.
-Under the management of ISO9000 , at online inspection the MX4, Mcal 4 and Multi 4 inspection machines are used to check the inner diameter, the surface and checks of finish. The NCT and NCT+ are used for real-time thickness test.
-The ATLAS are used for real-time checks test. The OVAL are used for real-time ovality test. The labs focus on controlling quantitative quality indexes. For example the advanced DSG auto glass measuring equipment from American Glass Research institute is used to test and record in real-time for all specifications and dimensions.
-The FHT auto test machine from AGR is used to test water volume.
-The 300mm digital projector is used to test all dimensions for screw finish.
-The PERFILAB is used to test inner diameter of finish with a 0.5mm interval.
-The AGR hot end coating test system is used to test hot end coating, etc.
-The perfect combination of digital quality control with electronic VERTEC quality information system assures high quality products.